If you want to change business hours on Google local listing, you should go through some steps
Consumers prefer to check Google in order to ensure whether the business is open or not before they plan their visiting to physical locations. Try not to take risk as your business hours are not listed. Google might have added the business hours, but you should double check it and confirm them. If you add on incorrect hours on Google local listing, it may lead to unhappy customers. If you want to change business hours on Google my business account, then you need to go through some steps. You may consult with an experienced company. There are many companies in Queensland, but, OV International Services is considered as the best Google local listing company in Queensland. We are supported with a highly qualified and dedicated team who keep a close vigil on Google local listing services.
If you want to change business hours on Google local listing, you may need to go through some steps. You should log into your Google my business account at first. After that you have to select information, and then look for the clock icon. Thereafter, you should click on the pencil icon to add or edit. After that you have to add hours for everyday of the week. Then click apply.
If you are able to complete these processes, then your business hours will be changed. You should always double check your business hours in order to confirm whether the business hours are changed or not. If you need help in respect of Google local listing services, then you may consult with OV International Services. The company will show you the right path; they will not leave you in the mid way.