OV International Services takes internet safety seriously. Learn about different types of abuse, and how to report them, below.
There are a couple of ways to report abuse to OV International Services. Please be aware that we address a large volume of complaints and may respond to you only if we need further information or clarification.
Name | Description | Information needed to report | |
Phishing | A site pretending to be another site with the intention of stealing login/personal identification information. | Full domain path. Example: http://coolexample.com/path/to/phishing Note: The website must be live and contain a login area. |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Privacy concerns | For concerns regarding Privacy or GDPR, please refer to our Privacy Policy. | registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com | |
Malware | A site that participates in malware or virus distribution, or URLs to download. You can also report sites that promote, encourage, or engage in computer or network hacking and cracking. | Full domain path. Example: http://coolexample.com/path/to/malware |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Network abuse | A site performing network attacks such as brute force or denial of service. | Offending IP address and a small example of the log. Example: 123.456.789.10 —-Begin logs—- Traffic Traffic Traffic —-End logs—- |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Spam | Unsolicited email, texts or SMS messages. Wire transfer fraud, etc. | Copy of the original email in .eml format, or originating sender and content of SMS spam. | registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Copyright complaints | A website hosted on OV International Services products is using copyrighted material without your permission. | Full domain path. Example: http://coolexample.com/path/to/content |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Trademark complaints | A website hosted on OV International Services products is using a trademarked item without your permission. | Full domain path. Example: http://coolexample.com/path/to/content |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Domain disputes | Please see ICANN’s Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy. | registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com | |
Account changes | Read this guide for additional information | Full domain path. Example: http://coolexample.com/path/to/content |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Invalid WHOIS | You suspect a domain has been registered with fake information. | Domain name. Example: http://coolexample.com Note: If your information has been used for the invalid registration, please let us know. |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Content complaints | Disturbing imagery, violence, etc. Questionable pharmacy content on a website. Content that displays personal information such as a social security number or credit card number. Fake technical support sites not phishing login information. |
Full domain path. Example: http://coolexample.com/path/to/content |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |
Child abuse | Material found on a website that promotes, encourages, or engages in child exploitation or abuse of children. | Full domain path. Example: http://coolexample.com/path/to/content |
registrar-abuse@ovinternationalservices.com |